Top 15 Japanese Phrases for Hotels and Ryokans

Photo for illustrative purposes

When you visit Japan, staying in a hotel or ryokan (traditional inn) can offer a unique cultural experience, but navigating the language barrier can be challenging. Here are essential phrases to enhance your stay and communicate effectively with the staff.

Feel free to use this article during your interactions with your hotel or ryokan and point out the phrases you want to say.

Checking into your accommodations

When you arrive at your hotel, use these phrases to check in and settle into your room:

  • I would like to check in: チェックインをお願いします。 (chekku-in o onegaishimasu)
    Replace chekku-in with chekku-a’uto to check out.
  • I have a reservation. My name is [Name]: 予約をしています。[Name]です。 (yoyaku o shiteimasu. [Name] desu)
  • Do you have Wi-Fi? Wi-Fiはありますか? (waifai wa arimasu ka?)
Photo of checking in at a Japanese hotel

Photo for illustrative purposes

During your stay

Whether you’re at the front desk or using the phone in your room, use these phrases to clearly communicate your needs and requests:

  • When is breakfast? / When is dinner? 朝ご飯はいつですか? / 晩ご飯はいつですか?(asagohan wa itsu desu ka? / bangohan wa itsu desu ka?)
  • Can I have another towel? タオルをもう1枚もらえますか? (taoru o mō ichi-mai moraemasu ka?)
  • Room service, please: ルームサービスをお願いします。(rūmu sābisu o onegai shimasu)
  • Photo of an international visitor staying in a Japanese hotel

    Photo for illustrative purposes

  • I don’t need the room cleaned: 部屋の掃除はいりません。(heya no sōji wa irimasen)
  • Where is the communal bath? お風呂はどこですか?(ofuro wa doko desu ka?)
  • I can’t figure out how to use the [item]: [item]が使えません。([item] ga tsukaemasen)
    Examples of items: {air conditioner/heater | エアコン | eakon }; {safe | 金庫 | kinko }; {shower | シャワー | shawā }
Photo of an Asian man calling the front desk from his hotel room

Photo for illustrative purposes

Checking out and afterwards

When it’s time to leave, ensure a smooth checkout with these phrases:

  • Can I use a card? カードは使えますか? (kādo wa tsukaemasu ka?)
  • I would like to review the bill: 請求書を確認したいです。 (seikyūsho o kakunin shitai desu)
  • Can you hold my luggage? 荷物を預かってもらえますか? (nimotsu o azukatte moraemasu ka?)
  • Please call a taxi: タクシーを呼んでください。 (takushī o yonde kudasai)
  • Where is the station? 駅はどこですか? (eki wa doko desu ka?)
  • I forgot my [item]: [item]を忘れました。([item] o wasuremashita)
    Examples of items: {wallet | 財布 | saifu }; {passport | パスポート | pasupōto }; {souvenir | 土産 | miyage }
Photo of the front desk of a Japanese hotel

Photo for illustrative purposes

With these phrases, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate your hotel stay in Japan, making your visit more comfortable and enjoyable. Safe travels!