Top 16 Phrases for Finding Your Way in Japan: Trains, Buses, Taxis and On Foot)

Photo for illustrative purposes

Getting around Japan can be challenging if you’re unfamiliar with the language, but knowing a few key phrases can make your journey much smoother, whether you’re traveling by train, bus, taxi, or on foot. This article covers the top 16 essential phrases to help you find your way in Japan.

Feel free to use this article while navigating and point out the phrases you need to say.

Getting Around on Foot

When exploring Japan on foot, these phrases will help you find your way:

  • Where is [place]? [place]はどこですか? ([place] wa doko desu ka?)
  • How do I get to [place]? [place]にはどうやって行けばいいですか? ([place] ni wa dō yatte ikeba ii desu ka?)
    The reply may feature the following words: {left | 左 | hidari }; {right | 右 | migi }; {straight | 真っすぐ | massugu }; {back | 後ろ | ushiro }; {north | 北 | kita }; {south | 南 | minami }; {east | 東 | higashi }; {west | 西 | nishi }
  • Can I walk from here? ここから歩けますか? (koko kara, arukemasu ka?)
  • Where is the station? 駅はどこですか? (eki wa doko desu ka?)
    Use this phrase if you’ve lost your way.

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Traveling by Train

Japan’s train system is extensive and efficient. Use these phrases to navigate it with ease:

  • Where can I buy a ticket? 切符はどこで買えますか? (kippu wa doko de kaemasu ka?)
  • Does this train stop at [place]? この電車は[place]に止まりますか? (kono densha wa [place] ni tomarimasu ka?)
    If the answer is “no” (いいえ iie) or “It doesn’t stop there” (止まりません tomarimasen), follow up with:
  • At which station do I transfer?: 乗り換えはどの駅ですか? (norikae wa dono eki desu ka?)

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Traveling by Taxi

Taking a taxi in Japan is convenient, especially when you need to get somewhere specific. Here are the key phrases:

  • Where is the taxi stand?: タクシー乗り場はどこですか? (takushī noriba wa doko desu ka?)
  • How much is it to [place]? [place]までいくらですか? ([place] made ikura desu ka?)
    Ask the taxi driver before starting the ride.
  • Take me to [place], please: [place]までお願いします。([place] made onegaishimasu)
  • Can I use a card? カードは使えますか? (kādo wa tsukaemasu ka?)
  • Please give me a receipt: レシートをください。(reshīto o kudasai)

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Traveling by Bus

While buses are also a vital part of Japan’s public transport, they can be a bit tricky for non-Japanese speakers. These phrases will help:

  • Where is the bus stop? バス停はどこですか? (basutei wa doko desu ka?)
  • Does this bus go to [place]?: このバスは[place]に行きますか? (kono basu wa [destination] ni ikimasu ka?)
  • When is the next bus? 次のバスはいつですか? (tsugi no basu wa itsu desu ka?)
  • How much is (the bus fare)? いくらですか? (ikura desu ka?)

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By using these simple phrases, you’ll be better equipped to navigate Japan’s cities and towns, whether you’re on public transport or exploring on foot. Enjoy your travels!