Koami Shrine: Tokyo’s Ultimate Destination for Financial Fortune, Loved by Visitors Worldwide

Shintoism believes that spirits reside in everything, from mountains and rivers to even household furniture. The benefits bestowed by the deities enshrined at Shinto shrines are varied, ranging from traffic safety and business prosperity to protection against evil.

Among these, the improvement of financial fortune is one of the most sought-after blessings. Koami Shrine in Tokyo is renowned for its financial blessings.

Photo of Koami Shrine

Koami Shrine

Boost your financial luck by washing money at Koami Shrine

Koami Shrine is highly popular, attracting visitors not only from Japan but also from abroad.

Koami Shrine

The main shrine building of Koami Shrine

A common practice among visitors after their prayers is to perform zeni-arai, or money-washing. It is believed that washing your money and placing it in your wallet will bring financial fortune.

Money-Washing Well at Koami Shrine

The Money-Washing Well

The place where you can wash your money is situated to the left when facing the main shrine building, at the Zeni-Arai no I (the Money-Washing Well). Visitors place their money in a provided basket, immerse it in water, and wash it.

The key is to keep the washed money in your wallet without spending it.

Money-Washing Well at Koami Shrine

Visitors washing money

Washed money becomes tanesen (seed money), believed to attract more money when kept in your wallet. In addiiton to coins and bills, some visitors even wash credit cards, a scene fitting the modern cashless society.

The Fukurokuju statue bestowing three kinds of blessings

In addition to the Money-Washing Well, Koami Shrine has other spots that are believed to enhance financial fortune. One such spot is the statue of Fukurokuju, the god of virtue.

Photo of Koami Shrine

The Fukurokuju statue to the left of the main shrine building

Fukurokuju has been worshipped since ancient times for various blessings, including happiness and financial fortune. Known as a deity of health and longevity, it is believed that touching the statue of Fukurokuju at Koami Shrine brings blessings.

Photo of Koami Shrine

Protective amulets inspired by lucky symbols

Koami Shrine is famous for financial blessings, but it also offers protection against disaster as well as the twin blessings of protection against misfortune and bestowing strong luck. The two dragon carvings visible in the main shrine building symbolize this powerful combination. The noboriryū (ascending dragon) is said to convey the prayers of worshippers to the gods, while the kudariryū (descending dragon) brings the gods’ belssings to the worshippers.

Dragon carving at Koami Shrine

The ascending dragon carving in the main shrine building

Dragon carving at Koami Shrine

The descending dragon carving in the main shrine building

Popular omamori (protective amulets) at Koami Shrine are those for financial fortune and strong luck. The financial fortune charm features the image of the statue of Tokyo Money-Washing Benten (the goddess Benzaiten), while the protection against misfortune and bestowing strong luck charm is designed with dragons.

Protective amulets at Koami Shrine

Card-type omamori for financial fortune as well as protection against misfortune and bestowing strong luck

Other notable items at Koami Shrine include omamori and omikuji (paper fortune slips) inspired by auspicious symbols. For example, the horned owl, a symbol of good luck, appears on both and has charming designs.

the horned owl said to be a symbol of good luck

Omamori and omikuji featuring the horned owl, a symbol of good luck

The round mayudama omikuji uses real cocoons. Since a cocoon is spun from a single thread, it symbolizes the hope for a long-lasting connection with the deities, as strong and continuous as a single thread.

cocoon-shaped protective amulets at Koami Shrine

The mayudama omikuji with a fortune slip inside a cocoon

Beautiful goshuin featuring paper-cutting art at Koami Shrine

Goshuin, special seals received at Japanese shrines and temples, serve as a record of one’s visit and vary in design depending on the place of worship. Koami Shrine offers a unique kiri-e (Japanese paper-cutting art) goshuin for 1,000 JPY.

The intricate kiri-e design is so artistic and beautiful that you may feel like you’re receiving blessings just by admiring it. For those preferring a simpler design, goshuin without kiri-e are available for 500 JPY each.

Goshuin at Koami Shrine

Goshuin with a kiri-e design being inscribed by a shrine official

Koami Shrine also offers its own specially designed goshuinchō (booklets designed to hold goshuin seals). The popular ones feature dragons on the cover, symbolizing protection against misfortune and bestowing strong luck. These goshuincho come in different colors, with yellow being particularly popular.

Goshuincho at Koami Shrine

Dragon goshuincho (center) and horned owl goshuincho (right) are available in different colors

Expect crowds on weekends at Koami Shrine

Koami Shrine is built on a compact site, and even with just 20 visitors, the grounds can feel crowded. Due to its reputation for enhancing financial fortune, Koami Shrine is a popular spot.

On weekends, it is not uncommon to see long lines, with waits exceeding two hours. To avoid the crowds, visiting on weekdays is recommended. Additionally, both shrine visitation and zeni-arai are available at night.

Photo of Koami Shrine

Koami Shrine is known not only as Tokyo’s top spot for financial blessings but also as one of the top spots in all of Japan. The large number of people who visit the shrine all year long surely attests to the efficacy of the blessings it provides.

Shrine information

Name 小網神社
Koami Shrine
Address 16-23 Nihonbashi Koamicho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Access Ningyocho Station 3-minute walk from Ningyocho Station Exit A6
  • Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line(H14)
  • Toei Asakusa Line(A14)

  • Suitengumae Station 6-minute walk from Suitengumae Station Exit 6
    • Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line(Z10)
Phone number 03-3668-1080
Visiting hours 24 hours
Sacred items Available from 9:00 to 17:00
Goshuin Available from 9:00 to 17:00
Omikuji Available from 9:00 to 17:00
Admission fee Free
Official Website https://www.koamijinja.or.jp/
Other information
  • Signboards are available with Japanese and English language
  • Wheelchair-accessible areas are not available
  • Restrooms are not available
  • Bringing in luggage is allowed
  • There are no areas where photography is not allowed
  • There are no areas where you must remove your shoes

※The information in this article is current as of May 2024.